Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Algae Ball Inquiry

Aim: To investigate how photosynthesis and respiration rates change with changing light conditions in algae Scenedesmus quadricauda.

CLICK HERE FOR A COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENT Including the picture with pH readings 

Interpreting Results: Make up a table like below

Dark conditions
Indirect Light Conditions
Direct Light conditions
pH readings

Average pH reading

If there ends up being a big difference between Wednesday's results (below) and Thursday's results then perhaps two tables would be best.

Wednesday's Results 
Algae Ball Results 3pm Wednesdaya 26th September

Thursday's Lesson:
You should aim to do your results section today:

      1.  A table of results (as above), it may need to include photographs. 
      2.  A written summary of what was found (not discussion though, just stating exactly what was       found)
      3.  A graph or graphs

Need more advice on writing your report?
Check out 'Inquiry Resources' on the tab above

Monday, September 24, 2018

Carbonic Acid

We know that pH is a measure of H+ ions (for acids) 
or OH- ions (for bases).
So how does adding CO2 to a water-based liquid, manage to change its pH?

What is carbonic acid, and what does it do?

  1. Carbonic Acid: How does it work?
  2. Bozeman Science: Ocean Acidification video
  3. Wikipedia: Carbonic Acid (way too much detail, but a good overview)

What happens when acids react with calcium carbonates?

  1. Naked Scientist Website

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Chemistry Test Prep

The Powerpoint from class can be found here > ETE Chemistry Powerpoint

What am I Getting Tested On?

a.       Reading the periodic table and, from this, being able to draw a basic atom model with P,N, E
b.       Properties of metals, non-metals, metalloids (basics only!)
c.       Essential plant nutrients: only need to know the role of one plant nutrient (you have already done this and it’s on the mini-posters you made)
d.       Chemical Reactions:
-          Reading equations. Identifying products and reactants
-          Conservation of mass theory
-          Balancing chemical equations
-          Octet rule: What is it? How does it inform the reaction (and reactivity) of different elements?  
-          We have looked in depth at three chemical reactions: Corrosion, Photosynthesis and Respiration.   Just know products and reactants.

Where Can I Get Help?

a. Look over your notes from class, and old blog posts.
b. Go to a mini-tutorial from Mrs Frampton
c. Have a go at the practice test (see Mrs Frampton)

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Chemistry & Photosynthesis

What am I expected to know in the Chemistry Unit?

Chemistry Fundamentals
1. Read the periodic table to determine the protons, electrons and neutrons of an atom
2. Read chemical equations and identify how the molecules are made and how many atoms there are in the products (and reactants).
3. Link your understanding of the point above (2) to the theory of conservation of mass.  This means that mass is neither created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.
4. Balance chemical equations
5. Identify when chemical reactions have occured, and identify corrosion, photosyntheis, and respiration reactions.

Chemical Reactions: Photosynthesis
1. Know the purpose of photosynthesis, its products and reactants (in words not the formula)
2. Know the site of where photosynthesis occurs in the leaf (cell and organelle)
3. Know why photosynthesis is important for the ecosystem

- - - - -

Photosynthesis Overview
1. Get an overview of how photosynthesis occurs within most leaves.  Look over the two links below:
Photosynthesis video
BBC Bitesize (notes and interactive)

2. Now you've watched that, take a quick mini-quiz to see what you know!

- - - - -

1.Get a more detailed idea about photosynthesis:
Photosynthesis Overview: Bozeman Photosynthesis

2. Learn about florescence: When plants receive too much light they fluoresce.  Human eyes can't see this (like we can't see UV or infrared) but we can see it from space using special equipment. Generally speaking, the more fluorescence the more photosynthesis is occurring.
NASA: flourescence from space

Watch the photosynthesis from space time lapse
Photosynthesis from Space Time-Lapse

Watch it through a few times to grasp what is going on.  
Remember there are two things to watch: Carbon adsorption (photosynthesis) on land and in the ocean.

Notice how the great mountain ridges of the Himalayas and South American andes are consistently lighter in colour: why would this be?

Why would areas of Northern Australia, Northern Africa and Northern Asia appear black?
Click to enlarge

Chemistry in the Ecosystem

What will we be learning in the Chemistry unit?

-Understanding atomic structure and the periodic table in (more) depth
-Relating this to our understanding of soil and plant nutrition
-Ions, anions and chemical bonding & how this impacts how plants take up nutrients
-Elemental classification: metals, non-metals and metalloids
-Chemical reactions: Photosynthesis and Respiration
-pH. What it means and how it impacts plant growth.

Let's start with refreshing you on the basics:

Here are the links you'll need for the worksheet:

2.  Khan Academy: Atoms

Your Plant Nutrient Poster
1. Select one of the 17 essential plant nutrients


2. Make a small, A5 poster which clearly states:

a) The elements name, symbol, atomic mass and electron shells
b) A diagram of the atomic structure
c) Whether this element is a metal, non-metal or metalloid 
d) What the role of this element is for plants 
e) How plants get this element
f) What happens if a plant is deficient in this element

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Balancing Chemical Equations

Have a go at this!

Your Aim:
To be able to balance worded equations
To be able to balance simple numerical equations

Video: How to Balance Chemical Equations (Simple)

Video: How to Balance Chemical Equations (the one we watched in class)

Video: Khan Academy: Balancing Chemical Equations

Video: Khan: Visually Understanding Chemical Equations

Exercise: Balancing Chemical Equations (Gap Fill)
Exercise: Balancing Chemical Equations (Khan Academy)

A fairly simple worded explanation is below (click to enlarge)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Conservation of Mass

Part 1: Answer to the splint question "Where did the mass go?"
Learn about combustion as a chemical reaction here: Combustion of Wood (simplified)

Here's another simple version: Combustion in general terms

Be aware, smoke is not a gas, but a mixture of gases, solids and water vapour. 

Part 2: Law of Conservation of Mass

Read about it here: Thoughtco Conservation of Mass (website)

Watch it here: Conservation of Mass Ted-Ed

Take down some key ideas in your book

Extension Ideas:

Conservation of Mass in Nature (Nature website)

What about Black Holes? A forum with some interesting ideas.